Equitable Community Development, Strategic Planning & Sustainability



Equitable Community Development, Strategic Planning & Sustainability


A bilingual (Spanish/English) firm based in Chicago

3e.studio offers urban planning and community development consulting services to key sectors: government, corporate, not-for-profit and philanthropy


Our mission is to collaborate & create meaningful impact

3e stands for Equity, Economic mobility, and Environment 

Studio refers to the spirit of the firm. It is welcoming, engaging, and adventurous!

Project Highlight - Click on the image

2024 Little Village - South Lawndale​ Quality of Life Plan


Rosa Y. Ortiz,


Rosa is a certified urban planner and a Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) accredited professional. She pairs this knowledge with leadership roles in government, corporate, and not‐for‐profit sectors. These experiences bring an incredible depth of knowledge and understanding of community development. Her approach to projects focuses on being inclusiveness, building on unique local assets, and creating meaningful impact

Rosa brings the ability to understand complex issues at different scales. Her work is based on local, national, and global perspectives from practicums in Denmark, Mexico, China, France, and the United States. She leads with clarity and creates long‐term partnerships.


Rosa provides over two decades of experience in community development, architecture & urban planning


Budget + Personnel

  • $198M budget and 80 full time employees.

    Third in command for overseeing the department’s budget, programs, and personnel

  • $193 M budget with 80 full time employees.

    Fiduciary oversight for budget, projects, and personnel as a member of the Board of Directors.

  • 100 acres redevelopment project totaling $198M.

    Project Leader for Hispanic Housing Development Corporation and Co‐Lead with The Community Builders. Responsible for master plan,
    resource development, real estate development, community engagement and political alignment.

  • $2.2M grant program with grantees in Wisconsin, Minnesota, Michigan, and Illinois.

    Director of program responsible for oversight of budget, resource development, program design, and program implementation with 49 grantees.

  • 50 Member City‐wide Collaborative of leadership level partners from the private, non‐profit, and philanthropic sector.

    Oversight of staff, $2M budget, policy agenda, resource development and programs as co‐founder and first co‐chair.

  • 100+ state‐wide professional membership organization.

    President. Responsible for oversight of membership, programs, scholarships, and budget.

  • 10 year, 20 person staff, and serving over 80 families annually nonprofit organization.

    Co‐ Founder and President of the Board of Director responsible for oversight of staff, programs, and budget.


  • Collaborative Co‐chair and Founding Member
    Creation of a city‐wide collaborative on racial equity, health, housing environmental sustainability, and arts and culture in Chicago

    Featured Expertise:
    Strategic planning, equitable coalition building, and resource alignment.

  • Senior Program Director
    Assessment and delivery of technical assistance to community‐based organizations in Illinois, Michigan and Wisconsin

    Featured Expertise:
    Program design, curriculum development, curriculum implementation, project management and project implementation

  • Real‐Estate Development Manager
    Creation and implementation of a comprehensive community revitalization strategy in East Chicago, Indiana.

    Featured Expertise:
    Urban design, community engagement, residential design and real estate development

  • Project Leader
    Redevelopment of foreclosed homes in various neighborhoods in Chicago

    Featured Expertise:
    Residential Real‐estate Development

  • Senior Program Director
    Design of grant program, grant management, identification of community needs, collaboration with not‐forprofit organizations, and collaboration with other funders to provide grants in Illinois, Michigan and Wisconsin

    Featured Expertise:
    Research, grant program design, and grant management

  • Chicago Delegate
    Development of a multi‐city, cross‐sectoral, equity focused, system‐wide change collaborative in Chicago, San Francisco, Denver, Los Angeles, Memphis, and Atlanta

    Featured Expertise:
    Racial equity, coalition building, strategic planning

  • Lead Planning Consultant
    Creation of a comprehensive community‐based neighborhood plan in Little Village in Chicago, IL

    Featured Expertise:
    Neighborhood level planning, inclusive community development, multi‐sectoral, asset‐based and strategic implementation planning

  • Managing Deputy Commissioner for the City of Chicago Department of Housing
    Engagement of diverse community stakeholders including elected officials to develop an inclusive and equitable housing policy in Woodlawn

    Featured Expertise:
    Coalition building, equitable housing policy, inclusive community engagement

  • Lead Planning Consultant
    Development of organizational structure for a new collaboration serving the Chicago Metropolitan Area

    Featured Expertise:
    Organizational structure, strategic planning and equity

  • Lead Urban Designer
    Design for Benito Juarez High School Plaza and creation of urban pathways within the Pilsen community in Chicago

    Featured Expertise:
    Community based and culturally relevant Urban design


Education + Community

  • • American Institute of Certified Planners
    • American Planning Association
    • Chicago Neighborhood Development Awards – Judge
    • Urban Land Institute
    • Arquitectos – The Society of Hispanic Professional Architects
    • Metropolitan Leadership Institute – Graduate

  • • Teresa and Hipolito Roldan Fellow
    • Chicago Community Trust Fellow
    • ULI- Community Vision Trkla Award
    • Chicago Neighborhood Development Award

  • Hispanic Housing Development Corporation
    Board of Directors Member

    American Institute of Certified Planners

    American Planning Association

    United States Green Building Council
    LEED Accredited Professional

    Elevated Chicago
    Co‐Founder, First Co‐Chair and Volunteer

    Arquitina – Latinas in Architecture Mentor

    Arquitectos: The Society of Hispanic Professional Architects
    Past‐President, Member

    Urban Land Institute School of Real‐Estate
    Participant and Trkla AwardWinner

    LISC Chicago Neighborhood Development Awards
    Judge and Award Recipient

    Son Chiquitos
    Co‐founder and Former President of the Board of Directors

    Chicago Community Trust

    Teresa and Hipolito Roldan

    LASO, University of Chicago Laboratory School
    Committee Co‐Chair

    Confeti Games
    Founder and Artist

    Latinas in Architecture
    Contributing Author

    Chicago Transit Authority
    Board Director

  • University of Illinois at Chicago
    • Master in Urban Planning & Policy
    • Bachelor of Arts in Architecture

    Harvard University & Bloomberg Philanthropies
    City Leadership Initiative

    University of Chicago
    Civic Leadership Academy

  • London, England
    University of Chicago, Civic Leadership Academy

    Copenhagen, Denmark
    Chicago Community Trust

    Mexico City, Mexico
    Chicago Community Trust

    Beijing, China
    Beijing University

    Versailles, France
    Ecole D’Architecture de Versailles

A committed woman of color inspired to create an equitable world one project at a time

Born in Mexico City, Rosa is bilingual and bicultural and is proud to bring this to her work. Having come to the US at the age of eight taught her to always be compassionate and resourceful. Rosa was instilled the importance of an education at an early age. She persevered to earn her BA in Architecture and a MA in Urban Planning and Policy from the University of Illinois at Chicago. She continues to nurture this value by mentoring younger professionals. She believes in carving space for everyone to succeed. She lives with her husband, two daughters and mother in Chicago. Rosa finds solace in swimming, dancing, and painting.


Professional EXPERIENCE

2010‐2012 and 2020 to present
3e.Studio, LLC
Founder and Principal

2019 - 2020
City of Chicago Department of Housing
Managing Deputy Commissioner

2013 - 2019
Enterprise Community Partners, Inc.
Senior Program Director

2011 - 2012
Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning
Senior Planner

2005 - 2011
Hispanic Housing Development Corporation
Real Estate Development Manager

2002 - 2005
Urban Works, Ltd.
Project Captain